Password Change Form

Users with an account on the Messiah University network are required to change their passwords at least once per year (365 days). Violators who do not change their passwords in accordance with University policy may be subject to disciplinary outcomes as outlined in the Student Handbook and Employee Policy and Procedure Manual. In addition to the other sanctions outlined in the handbooks, one possible outcome is the restriction or suspension of access privileges. Please review the Messiah University Password Policy for more information.

Keep in mind these requirements when creating your password:

  • At least ten (10) and no more than thirty (30) characters.
  • Must contain at least one (1) letter and one (1) number.
  • May NOT contain your username.
  • May NOT be a password that you have recently used.

Characters NOT to be used (this list may not be all-inclusive):

  • \ (backslash)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • : (colon)
  • ' (single-quote)
  • " (double-quote)
  • = (equals)
  • # (hashtag/pound)
  • { } (curly brackets)
  • [ ] (brackets)
  • @ ("at" symbol)
  • < > (less/greater than)
  • & (ampersand)
Please provide a username.
Please provide a password.
Please provide a password.
Please provide a confirmation password.